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Be better

Be better

I have not written in a while, so I am rusty… I have mentioned before I think that I started really holding my parents accountable a greater deal when I had my own kid/kids. It was like a veil was lifted: things can be different, and they should be different. I...


Truer words have never been spoken… 1,2,3,4 there’s my heart all over the floor. I prayed for the last time 4 years ago on the cold floor of a hospital salon. My sister was unconscious at the time and I knew that it will be soon… the moment I have...
Different is better

Different is better

I will remember till I die that 13th of January from 18 years ago… I looked like a giant stuffed pepper because of my red jacket. It is still a mystery how he did not run for the hills right there. Maybe he thought.. well it’s soap operas with an old lady...
A day for mourning…

A day for mourning…

It is no secret that my life these past 7 years has been filled not only with great moments but also a lot of dark days, loss, and not-so-pleasant states of mind. This morning, I woke up ok, the kids are great, off to kindergarten., let’s get this...


January 17th 2016 was a bitter cold day. Windy as fuck and all. But not just windy, the type of wind that sticks to you and brings the cold right to the bones. Early morning, just like always, after Alex was born. We decided to go and see Ioana, and then just go about...
And then he said: let’s build a future together

And then he said: let’s build a future together

I am not an easy-to-love person. My past, experiences have made me skeptical that I am worthy of being loved by the ones around me, so like a really good Will Hunting, I kept a bunch of people out because I wanted to avoid the pain of losing them. And then, HE came...


De-a lungul vieții mele au fost puțini cei care au îndrăznit să mă alinte. Adevărat este că nu ai loc de multe alinturi de la Raluca. Luluța a fost unul din ele. O singură persoană a îndrăznit să mi se adreseze așa fără să primească o privire “drăguță” de...


Urmează un post care nu credeam că va vedea lumina zilei dar cum internetul e locul preferat al refulărilor, am și eu nevoie de postul ăsta ce va fi cred până la un punct chatarhic pentru mine. Anul 2001 este și va rămâne cred încă o bună perioadă cel mai negru din...
Copilul meu cu par balai…

Copilul meu cu par balai…

Dacă nu mă pălește vreo boală degenerativă de creier, voi ține minte toată viața momentul când am ieșit din cabinet tremurând toată de s-a speriat taică-tu cu ecografia care arăta că ești acolo, chiar te-ai hotărât să vii… Doi ani te așteptasem, eram sigură că...
Lipsa educației naște monștrii

Lipsa educației naște monștrii

Nu vă gândiți la cine știe ce… doar că ceva educație, mai ales sexuală ne-ar prinde bine prin țărișoara noastră. Am promis că revin cu un articol referitor la colegele de suferință de când am fost internată cu Alex. Nu am mai apucat, că na… luna martie a...
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