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I will remember till I die that 13th of January from 18 years ago… I looked like a giant stuffed pepper because of my red jacket. It is still a mystery how he did not run for the hills right there. Maybe he thought.. well it’s soap operas with an old lady at home, how bad can the stuffed pepper be?

I honestly don’t think he got to say much that first date. I always had a big mouth but boy… on that day… I was on fire. You want to know about me? Well boy, let me pull a chair for you and make yourself comfortable…

One of the few things he got to tell me about was the fact that his hands got burned in an accident when he was a kid. He still has scars that are not pretty and problems opening his hand full… I did not care… at all, but we were at an age when different was treated like something that needed to be avoided, so it was a sensitive subject for him.

I did not care at all and I started caring even less if possible the day he told me: I could not wait for the moment that you are in my arms! Yes, baby, that is how you melt the icy heart of the stuffed pepper. 🙂

18 years have passed since that day when a fed up with people girl met the dude that is sometimes too kind for this cruel world. Both of us different in look and feel from the ones around us, one having what the other needed.

So, different is better! Happy anniversary love! Nowhere else I would rather be than in your arms!

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